Paul Jaquays se va de id Software

Por Pablo, publicada el sábado 9-3-2002 a las 10:21

Voodooextreme acaba de publicar que este diseñador, que ha participado en proyectos como Quake 2 y 3, deja esta empresa para pasarse a Ensemble Studios, los creadores de Age of Empires… ¿Cuál será su próximo proyecto? A continuación te dejamos su explicación en su lengua natal.

After five years of making first person shooters like Quake2, Quake III Arena, and Quake III: Team Arena, I’ve come to the realization that my heart just isn’t in it any more. For this reason, I’ve decided to make a slight shift in career direction and seek other design and development challenges. I have accepted a position with Ensemble Studios (the creators of the Age of Empires series and Age of Mythology) here in Dallas, and will be taking up my new duties with them in short order. I’m excited about the new job and I understand that the entire team there is excited to have me come on board.

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