Anunciado oficialmente Mobile Forces

Por Pablo, publicada el martes 12-3-2002 a las 11:07

Tal y como publican hoy Bluesnews y Gamespot hoy Majesco ha anunciado oficialmente un juego que ya empezaba a sonarnos a todos a pesar de “no existir” oficialmente hasta hoy. Su desarrolladora es Rage Software, su lanzamiento está previsto para este verano y su titulo es Mobile Forces. Se trata de un juego basado en el último engine de Unreal que destacará por su física realista aplicada a los vehículos (suspensión, caja de cambios de 5 velocidades, ABS y etc.) que nos permitirán conducirlos de manera realista en cada misión.

Como ya imagináis será un juego de combate tanto a pie como en vehículo. Las misiones se llevarán a cabo en 11 entornos diferentes tales como bases militares, campos de entrenamiento o circuitos de rally. Dispondremos de 8 modos multijugador tales como deathmatch, team deathmatch, detonation, trailer capture, holdout, captains (matar al capitán rival y proteger al propio), capture the flag, y safecracker (robar el oro de la base rival). A continuación os dejamos con la nota de prensa oficial y no te olvides de mirar la “Galería de fotos” en la que podrás ver sus primeras capturas.

Vehicle and Ground-Based First-Person-Shooter Hits Retail This Summer

EDISON, NJ, March 11, 2002 – Majesco, one of the fastest-growing publishers of interactive entertainment software, today announced Mobile Forces for PC. Developed by U.K.-based Rage Software as a combat intensive shooter, Mobile Forces will be released this summer.

“Mobile Forces’ unique style of vehicle and ground-based combat will have adrenaline pumping through the veins of even the most action-hungry PC gamers,” said Ken Gold, Vice President of Marketing for Majesco. “Its sophisticated physics model heightens player immersion and delivers mind-blowing vehicle control with some of the most in-depth team-based combat available on PC.”

Mobile Forces boasts a state-of-the-art physics model, assuring that vehicles in the game are ultra realistic, rather than simply “boxes that move.” Vehicle models have been designed to accurately simulate the individual movements of each military craft, featuring suspension, 5-speed gearbox and clutch, ABS brakes, handbrake turns, reverse turns and power slides.

Making use of Epic’s latest Unreal™ technology, Mobile Forces thrusts players into 11 distinct military-style gameplay locations, including various ice bases, army boot camps, storm drains, rail yards and warehouses. Choosing from eight separate single and multi-player modes, players have the option to fight through each mission on foot or take advantage of a range of vehicles armed with destructive weapons. To survive, players must stay well equipped in order to deal with intelligent enemies who could attack at anytime.

In addition to the impressive physics and advanced warfare technology, Mobile Forces offers the following key features:

Team members have the choice of either driving the vehicle or manning the mounted weapons while firing at opponents;
Nine real-world weapons, each with alternative firing mechanisms. Includes machine gun, shotgun, laser trip bomb, pistol, knife, rocket launcher, sniper rifle, grenade and more;
Amass enough points by completing each level’s multiple objectives and advance to higher levels;
On-screen “Mini-Maps” facilitate communication and location of teammates in multi-player LAN games;
Eight different multi-player modes include: Deathmatch & Team Deathmatch – with frag or time limits or survivor modes;
Detonation – each team member has an explosive device around his/her neck. The opposing team’s goal is to find the enemy’s signal codes, plug them into the detonation device and blow-up the opponent;
Trailer capture – tow a trailer of explosives to an enemy’s base and destroy it;
Holdout – a team takes control of a certain area;
Captains – eliminate the other team’s captain while protecting your own;
CTF – capture the flag Safecracker – infiltrate the enemy base, blow open their safe and steal the gold bars. Majesco has dedicated an official website to Mobile Forces, which may be accessed at

About Majesco

Founded in 1986 and based in Edison, NJ, Majesco is a leading developer, publisher and distributor of interactive entertainment products for a variety of gaming platforms, including Nintendo, Microsoft, Sony Computer Entertainment and Sega hardware systems. In 2001, Majesco released eight titles for Nintendo Game Boy Advance and remains one of the premier publishers for the new handheld system. Majesco’s internal development studio, Pipe Dream Interactive, released the best-selling title, Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear for the Sega Dreamcast” and most recently shipped Soldier of Fortune and Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force for the PlayStation’2 computer entertainment system. Currently in development are several additional titles for PlayStation 2, Xbox™, GameCube™, and PC, all scheduled for release in 2002. Included among these is BloodRayne, Majesco’s recently announced multi-platform supernatural action/thriller. Majesco and Pipe Dream Interactive can be found on the World Wide Web at

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