¡Expansión para IL-2 Sturmovik!

Por Pablo, publicada el viernes 15-3-2002 a las 23:00

Just Flight acaba de anunciar a través de una nota de prensa que está preparando una expansión para IL-2 Sturmovik, el simulador de vuelo ambientado en el frente ruso de la Segunda Guerra Mundial creado por Maddox Games. Su nombre será Eastern Thunder y te ofrecemos mucha más información, las primeras fotos y la nota de prensa oficial.

Ni más ni menos que 28 misiones nuevas son las que añadirá este pack de expansión que nos llevará de vuelta al frente este para realizar misiones de escolta, intercepción, soporte cercano o bombardeo y que nos permitirá usar 5 skins nuevos para los aviones de la Luftwaffe en las partidas multijugador. La campaña se desarrollará durante agosto y septiembre de 1943 en la península de Crimea y el mar en sus proximidades y contará con una misión "bonus" sobre Berlín. A continuación te dejamos con la nota de prensa completa y no olvides pasarte por la sección “Galería de fotos”.

Just Flight strikes out with first mission upgrade pack for IL-2 Sturmovik!

'Eastern Thunder' provides some 28 new missions in an all-new themed campaign for IL-2. Also included are 5 new 'skins' featuring excellent variants on the Fw-190 and Me-109 aircraft that the aces flew over the Eastern Front

Challenging and realistic - new dogfights, ground attack and ground support sorties...Take off where IL2 landed with these exceptional series of missions for Ubisoft's storming sim.

This new campaign gives you fresh air to air combat with bomber sorties, ground support, escorts, intercepts and more. This is an essential addition for all IL2 fans, and at a price that wouldn't break a babushka's purse.

Patrol the skies on behalf of the might of the Red Air Force or the more advanced German Luftwaffe, with new challenges over Eastern Europe. Whether you are attacking naval targets in the Crimea or taking the fight to Berlin you will find your skills tested yet further. Who knows you may even find yourself up against the legendary ace, Eric Hartmann!


Beautiful aircraft repaints give new Bf-109 and FW-190 variants in co-op mode, including aircraft of the legendary aces Hartmann and Galland!


The new campaign is set in August/September 1943 over the Eastern Front. Starting in the summer the missions then move to the Kuban peninsula (east of the Krim peninsula), while later sorties see you over the Crimea with the addition of some naval action. There is even a bonus mission which takes the fight Berlin!

But if you are more interested in action than history then fear not, this expansion's primary objective has been to create a realistic combat environment and a fun campaign with a high degree of unpredictability - there are plenty of new challenges for rookies and experts alike.

The emphasis is air to air combat, though there are two Jabo (bomber) missions and one ground support mission. You also will fly escort missions, intercepts, combat air patrol and a scramble too.

Whichever side you fight for, you'll need to hone your combat skills across a wide range of aircraft to make it back alive!


This product requires a full licensed version of IL-2 Sturmovik to operate.

PC Pentium II-400, 128 MB RAM, Windows 95/98/ME/XP/2000, CD-ROM drive, Sound card, 3D Accelerator with 16 MB RAM



Just Flight is the world's leading flight simulation specialist, publishing a wide range of digital aviation products. Their range spans over 50 titles, including standalone flight simulation games, add-ons for the multi-million selling Microsoft Flight Simulator and Combat Flight series and even books, videos and DVDs.

The British, Cambridge-based company has been established for over 5 years. It prides itself on quality, value and customer service, which it backs up with a unique money-back guarantee on all its products. It has been recognised with nominations for 'Best of British' by the software industry and accolades from the Daily Express and Royal Mail for its innovative marketing techniques.

It currently communicates regularly to over 150,000 known flight simulation enthusiasts in the UK and beyond. Its products are found in major chain stores throughout Europe and the rest of the world, with the company boasting users in over 150 countries.

Full details of the company's products can be found at www.justflight.com

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