¿Despidos en Westwood?

Por Pablo, publicada el miércoles 20-3-2002 a las 23:01

Voodooextreme acaba de publicar una noticia que todavía está sin confirmar por ninguna de las dos partes. Las dos partes en cuestión son Electronic Arts y Westwood, y la noticia en cuestión es que se una fuente de información fiable (según ellos) habla de despidos en Westwood, y para empeorar las cosas, no se trata de simples empleados sino de los desarrolladores del C&C original, entre ellos Brett Sperry. Cuando sepamos más, se confirme o se desmienta lo publicaremos. A continuación el texto original de Voodooextreme.

Westwood Woes? 10:44 AM - James "Prophet" Fudge - Games: Game Biz. - 
Well since everyone and the mother seems to have an inside source reporting something we figured we might as well jump on the bandwagon. A reliable source inside Westwood Studios let us know that 30 people from their Las Vegas studio have been given the axe -- and these aren't just mid-level developers either, these are the big boys - some of the original C&C developers. Our source also tells us that Brett Sperry has left the building. Apparently room is being made for EA to move some people in. Co-founder Louis Castle isn't too happy about this move on EA's part even through a number of developers inside the company would like to blame him for it. Our source was also very candid about a few mid-level developers within Westwood who are apparently making a power play -- and have saved their own jobs in the midst of this massive cutback. This entire report is unconfirmed by both Westwood Studios and Electronic Arts -- if this is true it could be very bad for C&C fans....

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