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Parche 1.1 disponible para GTR 2

Por Erving, publicada el viernes 22-12-2006 a las 0:32

Según podemos observar en la página oficial del citado título de Simbin, ya está disponible para su descarga el parche que actualiza el juego a la versión 1.1. En éste se han añadido soluciones a ciertos errores como permitir el ingreso en pits de manera manual en dificultad novato, algunos arreglos para mejorar el bajo rendimiento que producían las cambios climaticos y otras mejoras tanto en modo offline como multiplayer. Podéis descargarlo de las siguientes direcciones: página oficial, Gamershell, Worthplaying.

Parche 1.1 disponible para GTR 2 .

-- Publicidad --

Más información de GTR 2: FIA GT Racing Game PC-Velocidad-Coches-Realist



Aquí os dejo el "readme" en inglés por si interesa, no he tenido tiempo de traducirlo ya que me caigo de sueño, intentaré hacerme cargo mañana.


GTR2 Update


? Fixed performance hit in Changeable Weather
? Fixed missing race groove in driving school
? Fixed Car number missing from results export
? Fixed inconsistency with "Pit Exit Arrow" UI option
? Fixed inconsistency with "Mirrors" UI option - Mirrors are now ON ingame when UI shows ON
? Fixed Custom Championship "European 360 Champions Cup" incorrect reference to "exciting.pngubai North"
? Fixed Custom Championships with F575s that contained duplicate drivers
? Improved car balance in custom Championship "Super Endurance Drivers Championship"
? Improved statistics tracking in Player Profile
? Allow manual pit control in Novice mode
? Fixed bug where some cars would not visibly show repaired body damage after pitstops
? Fixed bug where corner markers would no longer show after first car crossed the finish line
? Fixed bug where track award video was shown when no track was awarded
? Fixed bug where Wrong time indicator and position were displayed during some Driving lessons
? Added option to skip award videos
? Enabled "+auto" command line option on the dedicated server
? Fixed bug where "Show All" drivers lobby option was not working on first entry to Lobby
? Fixed bug where the Fuel and Tyre wear labels were inverted on the dedicated server
? Fixed bug where "-1/16 players" was sometimes shown on the in-game server UI
? Fixed bug where the Lobby lists would sometimes overflow the display areas

Track specific

? Valencia
- Corrected an issue where the Pole position was on the wrong side of the track
- Fixed a bug where some terrain areas caused cars to flip
- Fixed a bug where the tirewalls graphics were corrupted by headlights
? Magny Cours
- Fixed low-res textures on some boards
- Fixed a bug where the track would cause a CTD on some hardware
? Spa Francorchamps
- Corrected a graphical issue on one of the curbs

Car specific

? Murcielago
- Corrected a graphical issue on the right rear wheelarch
? Ferrari JMB 575
- Fixed a bug where the steering wheel was not disabled when the option for visible steeringwheel is unchecked

? You will receive a "Version Mismatch" message if you attempt to connect to a server that is not running GTR2

Por el 1.1.1970 a las 00:00:00
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